i rated 10,because i loved the series so far.But i don`t like it now for some reason.
The good:
-it looked like the old one
- good graphics
The bad:
-saving system(where are the three slots?)
-no more mp points,alchemy system is not that good.
-when i move my mouse over something i can interact,the mouse stays the same
- enemies attacks make no sound(a bug?)
- when a batlle starts,i have to always click combat,a flee option would be better.
- when i go inside in the town of ortema,there comes batlles(in the pub too)
- Fleeing is succesful really rarely
- bad batlle music(i liked the ones before more)
- no bestiary(i liked it)
- when its not my turn,i cannot see my hp or mp
- when i buy something,i cannot see how much i have of which item
- when i get a level,i cannot see which attributes increased
- i can walk through moving people
- only like two random people spoke to me in the game
- the clicking interaction is bad
Hope you can fix all this,because i really liked this series.....